Wednesday, July 8, 2009

give me something to go on

first of all i was given this lovely award by little lost love.

i have to give it to 15 others:

...ok i know that's not quite 15... but 15 is so many, and i'm getting tired so that's all i got!
hung out with other big fleef the other night.  we took a night-time walk with a flashlight.

i finally got some docs!
recently i've been very into the crop top with overalls look...

sometimes i feel like things in my life progress in a very backwards progression.

then not

but being free is a good thing

i think.
so... i want a tattoo so very badly and this is the beginning of my research, because i really want it to mean something.
this is lonely george.  the last tortoise of his kind.
most of the rest of these images are all extinct animals.  
the dodo bird.  my personal favorite

love it
the long necked camel!

sea cow!

more george shots.  because i love him so much.

so.  i think that i either want an extinct animal or a gravely endangered one because animal rights are so important to me.  but i don't want it to be ugly... or too complicated.  anything jump out to any of you?


ADAM said...

The dodo definitely jumps out at me. It looks beautiful and interesting. Bad. Ass.

Jelizaveta. said...

many thanks for the award. :)

I love you blog and pics. Awesome.:)

Anonymous said...

aw that is so sweet of U thank you ^___^ those docs are totally cool love the color

elle said...

merciii for the award!!
today i finished my exaaaaams so im happy!
nice pictures as always!
have a good summer!

leah said...

lonely george

get him small, somewhere

simple colors
i love it

that's just me though, you're such an artiste anything you choose will be so amazing/badass

leah said...

also i like sea cow

lilbent said...

I like lonely george or the endangered sea horse. That's just so cute, innocent, and sweet; how could you regret s seahorse? I dunno, you're gonna have to soul search for this answer.

P.S. I friended Ward on FB and he's totally down for a coffee date! I'll call you with details

Erica Hoffman said...

naww thank for the award =D

stephanie dosen said...

*thank you lovely!! ive never had an award before!!
you are sweet as strawberry pie* ;)

Carol Jeandel said...

Hello Hello sweet ,This so cooool of your night it make me want to joying too !! Jealousy ; ) SO FUN WITH IT OF YOU .

Marilyn Hayward said...

I really like all of the illustrated photos. They make me almost consider getting a tattoo!

Lily said...

Ooo get a dodo, they are awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love those metallic blue Doc Martens! Very cute images. x

fritha louise said...

love your docs! and those flashlight pics are so cool!