hung out with leelee, frank, and xan last night. this is what happens when four silly girls get together:
little miss fhenny gave me two awards! thank you dear. :)

Neno's Award
The aims of this award:
- As dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
- To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!
- Here are the rules of the award:
- Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.
- Don't forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
- Answer the award's question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
- Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
- Don't forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.
I love blogging because i absolutely love sharing things that i love with the world and i love even more to see what everyone else comes up with. it is such a perfect little community of creative people!
i would like to give neno's award to blood roses
and i'm still asleep.