Friday, July 1, 2011

go on and steal my breath away

just the first couple finished hankies... you can see the rest on my etsy shop.  some of my "blow me" hankies will also be appearing in a up-cycle-pop-up-shop in cleveland.  i'll post the details when the time comes.

phew.  things have been very busy.  within 24 hours i lost power, all my food, got power, and was notified i was finally getting a foster dog to take care of for a week.  her name is rhodes and she is absolutely lovely although she is very nervous and things are getting off to a slow start.  i'll post some pictures of her soon.  she is a hound mix and had puppies recently.

1 comment:

grant ashley said...

oh my god i love these. i like to embroider too! what a fantastic idea