Monday, October 27, 2008

sailed on

this is golden
i rather like this picture julie took of me.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

tiny notebook.

herm.  too bad none of them fit on my page...

don't you know?

these are some pictures from skull set.  i haven't been on in such a long time.  heaven knows why, his pictures are amazing.

hope it's right when i die

my new halloween option - marie antoinette!  basically i am going to do the exact same thing i did for the mascaraed at governors school.

catcher is the application

sara's 18th is on tuesday so we had a dinner for her tonight at the federal...we ALL got the grilled cheese.

that's what she said

a lady at nasher today told me that these shoes were foxy.  

Saturday, October 25, 2008

pick the can

kathleen had her family's annual pig pickin tonight.  i picked away at the desserts.


can we just look at julie's face right now?
jay and random girl
i truly love my friends.

now time to laugh at megan's face.
we ended the night with smores!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

lampings forever

just felt the need to share these beauties with the world.  
also, the new of mont which came out like 3 days ago is absolutely divine...even though i may only love it because it is sexually appealing...ha.  
skeletal lamping.  go buy it on vinyl because they give an amazing poster in the shape of a horse with it!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

you know i wouldn't mind

jen gave me these really cool vintage hat shells that i can decorate myself!!! so cool!

and the things that we said

what i may possibly be wearing for princess lolly. plus a lot of candy pinned all over me.

bought this necklace and hat at dolly's today...i never get pay checks, it's kind of a problem.


from k's blog - i didn't know things this beautiful existed!!! 

Thursday, October 16, 2008

trendy tv

some experimentations with the old tv i found in the dumpster at gov school.
music is trendy discotheque by the band pay tv. ha!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

down the hatch

my extremely lame attempts at a still life for painting class...and now i feel bad that i have a venus fly trap because they are endangered and all...but it was a birthday present...and i love it!

chopped liver

so today i did something really interesting.  
while at off campus lunch at the park we (a bunch of the girls) were asked to run around and throw around a football in the background for a public service announcement made by duke about obesity that will be aired on tv around the state!
so we did and it was really fun.  we played a very girlie version of football that consisted of us playing tag while throwing the football around.  then we were very late to class and very sweaty for the rest of the day.  but whatever, it was actually really fun.
this is actually ironic because yesterday i was the model for maddy's photo shoot about anorexia. 

Saturday, October 11, 2008

it just gets, so foggy

woke up this morning, ate three delicious scones my mom made, looked out the window, and finally felt that fall was here.  it felt good.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

lost in the moment

these are just a select few of the 188 pictures that i took last night...
beautiful solo song
80's scene (please direct your attention to the top right corner - that would be the pin from dolly's)

holy shit i never thought i would see this much of my future husband

the three loves of my life - middle was the cutest human being on the planet
dotty it the distance - even though we were feet away from the stage i couldn't get a good picture of her - and she was wearing comic tights!

john McCain people pressuring kevin barnes to do drugs and kill himself
why she was laughing at the moment i do not know - disclaimer: this was not real
um, hot

that would be shaving cream

these would be feathers that they blew into the crowd (i may have inhaled some...)
favorite picture EVER
their new drummer - he led us on a chant that went like this "what do we want - PIZZA, when do we want it - PIZZA" 
lets just say, maddy and i NEEDED ice creme after the show (and frozen slice and bake cookies)

so that was officially the biggest mind trip i have ever experienced - totally and completely engaging at all times, and although they mostly played stuff from their new album which isn't out yet, and therefore i couldn't sing along it was so incredible.  and now i am just so much more excited for it to come out.

plusssss.  ok this is both crazy frustrating and cool.  at school today leah told me that yesterday she had stopped by dolly's and she saw these two guys there shopping and talking to susan...guess who they were!!!!  fucking kevin barnes and the lead guitarist!!!! OH. MY. GOD.  i can not believe that of montreal - my favorite band, that i have seen 3 times in concert and still have not managed to talk to - went shopping at my place of work and i WASN'T THERE!!!!
ps, look on the orange scarf - that flower pin would be from dolly's - i have touched it.  i knew it looked familiar the whole time!